Author Archives: Kelly Patterson

About Kelly Patterson

Kelly Patterson is a professor of political science at Brigham Young University and a senior scholar at the Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy.

Should we invite them to the party?

Fifty-six percent say that political parties are public institutions and can be regulated by the state, while 44% say that they are private associations and cannot be regulated. The author would like to thank Professors Mike Barber and Chris Karpowitz … Continue reading

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“And then depression set in:” Why don’t Utahns turn out to vote?

When we asked respondents to the recent UVP why they believed individuals did not turn out to vote, the overwhelming reason related to one-party dominance. Professors Quin Monson and Michael Barber contributed to this post. In the movie “Stripes,” Bill … Continue reading

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Press On: What are Voter Perceptions of The Deseret News and The Salt Lake Tribune?

When asked to say which paper “reports fairly on the LDS Church,” 12% said The Salt Lake Tribune, 44% said The Deseret News. Only 14% said neither paper reported fairly. James Madison eloquently argued for a free press in a … Continue reading

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Who is a Better Filter, Caucus Attendees or Primary Voters?

Every system requires trade-offs between competing values.  But we ought not to pretend that one set of filters has virtues that are simply not present.  In a previous post, I examined the relationship between attitudes in the public and support … Continue reading

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On Count My Vote, Who is Toeing the Party Line?

Why does the Republican Party in Utah oppose the reform when only one segment of the party seems to oppose it?  Only those who are the most conservative and support the Tea Party seem to prefer the status quo. Utahns … Continue reading

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Do I Mistrust this Poll? Let Me Count the Ways…

This post was jointly written by Quin Monson and Kelly Patterson. Recently, the Libertas Institute posted a “survey” on their web site purporting to measure how Utah voters feel about a possible statewide anti-discrimination law to protect gay and transgender … Continue reading

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“Convicted? No, never Convicted.”

71% of Utah voters still think that the Attorney General should resign.  That number is down from 78% in June, but it still represents a sizable share of the population. We take the title for this post from that classic … Continue reading

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What is the future of the Republican nominating system?

The Republican Central Committee recently decided that it would not change the manner by which candidates gain access to the Republican primary ballot. The decision not to change the rules creates a possible showdown with Count My Vote. The group … Continue reading

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What do Utahns Think of Gun Control?

This analysis was performed by Ian Hansen, a student research fellow at BYU’s Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy (like us on Facebook), in collaboration with CSED faculty.  The writing is mostly his. Inquiries about this research should come to Quin Monson, Chris Karpowitz, or … Continue reading

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How do Utah Voters Perceive the Attorney General’s Alleged Scandal?

Perhaps most importantly, very few Republicans (14%) or Democrats (11%) are willing to say that Swallow did nothing unethical.  While some voters haven’t quite made up their minds yet, most voters (whether Republican or Democrat) don’t like what they’re hearing … Continue reading

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