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Tag Archives: john swallow
How corrupt is Utah?
On the whole, Utah has lower-than-average levels of political corruption. At length, former Utah Attorney General John Swallow is finally scheduled to face a jury this week. No matter how Swallow’s story ends, however, it marks an aberration. Federal statistics show … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged attorney general, corruption, john swallow, measurement, rankings
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How corrupt is Utah?
“Convicted? No, never Convicted.”
71% of Utah voters still think that the Attorney General should resign. That number is down from 78% in June, but it still represents a sizable share of the population. We take the title for this post from that classic … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged john swallow, scandal, utah voter poll
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“Convicted? No, never Convicted.”
How do Utah Voters Perceive the Attorney General’s Alleged Scandal?
Perhaps most importantly, very few Republicans (14%) or Democrats (11%) are willing to say that Swallow did nothing unethical. While some voters haven’t quite made up their minds yet, most voters (whether Republican or Democrat) don’t like what they’re hearing … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged ethics, john swallow, Key Research, public opinion, scandal
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How do Utah Voters Perceive the Attorney General’s Alleged Scandal?