Tag Archives: utah voter poll

Utahns like Herbert and non-discrimination; they don’t like Senators and clocks

Utahns overwhelmingly support “a statewide law to protect Utahns against employment and housing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation,” with 72% in favor Newly released polling data shows that Utahns approval strongly of Gary Herbert’s performance as governor (74% … Continue reading

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Pretty much nobody likes the Zion Curtain

Democrats (81%), Republicans (51%), Mormons (51%), other religious adherents (87%), and the non-religious (99%) all agree that restaurants should be allowed to remove these barriers. Utah law requires restaurants to prepare alcoholic drinks out of sight of customers, either in a … Continue reading

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Senator Lee Rebounds

Compared to one year ago, our October 2014 UVP shows a substantial change in voters’ views about the senator. Overall, favorability toward Senator Lee has now nearly returned to its pre-shutdown levels. These are heady days for Senate Republicans.  With a wave … Continue reading

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What Utah voters want from their Legislature

The three issues voters most want the Legislature to address: Reducing corruption among elected officials, improving Utah’s air quality, and increasing spending on K-12 public education. This post is a collaboration between Mike Barber and Adam Brown. Both are assistant … Continue reading

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The Current State of the 2014 Utah Campaigns

It is too early to tell whether it will come down to the 768 voters who gave Matheson a win over Love in 2012, but our evidence indicates that as of late October, the 4th District’s 2014 outcome is still … Continue reading

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Utah Voters Support Medicaid Expansion

43% of Utah voters prefer the Governor’s plan, 33% prefer the ACA plan, 13% prefer no change, and 11% prefer the Speaker’s Plan.  This post was written by CSED Research Fellow and BYU Political Scientist Jay Goodliffe with assistance from … Continue reading

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Support for gay marriage is up by 20% in Utah? Not so fast.

It may be the case that the 20% “shift” in support was really a reflection of different question wordings and sample frames. A year and a half ago, my colleagues posted these polling results showing that 28% of Utah voters … Continue reading

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Senator Lee and the Shutdown

Lee has overwhelming support from the quarter of the population that doesn’t reject the Tea Party.  But the three-quarters of Utahns who do not identify with the Tea Party come to the exact opposite conclusion. Senator Mike Lee has received … Continue reading

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“Convicted? No, never Convicted.”

71% of Utah voters still think that the Attorney General should resign.  That number is down from 78% in June, but it still represents a sizable share of the population. We take the title for this post from that classic … Continue reading

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A Clear Majority of Utah Voters Want the Legislature to Impeach Swallow

When a majority of strong partisans from a politician’s own party favor impeachment, that politician is in serious trouble Update/Correction:  Although the numbers posted in the topline report were released correctly yesterday, the graphic and prose for the favorability numbers … Continue reading

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