Tag Archives: sponsorship

Analysis of voting patterns in the 2018 Utah Legislature

The Utah Legislature concluded its 45-day General Session last Thursday at midnight. Once again, I’ve scraped the voting records to produce this statistical summary. Update (3/14/2018): The Utah Legislature’s website initially showed HB457 as having passed. Their records were corrected … Continue reading

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Who sponsored the most bills in 2015?

Sen. Bramble has been the most active bill sponsor for 5 of the past 6 legislative sessions, introducing a total of 158 bills and resolutions over the past 6 years. The Utah Legislature considered 831 bills during the 2015 General Session, … Continue reading

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Who sponsored the most bills in the 2014 Utah Legislature?

Legislators vary widely in how many bills they introduce. Presiding officers (Speaker and Senate President) seldom sponsor bills, and that was the case again this year. Neither Speaker Lockhart nor President Niederhauser introduced any legislation. (Lockhart’s education technology initiative was … Continue reading

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Who ran the most bills in the 2013 Legislature?

Legislators vary widely in how many bills that sponsor in the Utah Legislature. Before we proceed, let’s clarify what “sponsoring” and “floor sponsoring” mean: Sponsoring. This means the legislator came up with the idea for the bill and had it … Continue reading

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How quickly were bills passed in 2013?

Something changed around 2009 or 2010 that led legislators to introduce their bills later and, as a result, process them more quickly. In 2013, the Utah Legislature passed more bills than it’s passed since I started keeping track (in 2007). … Continue reading

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Who sponsored the most bills in 2012?

As hard as he worked, Rep. Dougall was not the most active bill sponsor this session. By any measure, that was Sen. Bramble. I’ve seen a few media reports claiming that Utah Rep. John Dougall sponsored more bills than any … Continue reading

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Profiles of Utah legislators

The 2012 legislative session is coming. Here’s a couple of things to help you get ready. First, I’ve taken data that I’ve written about in the past (such as ideology scores, legislator absenteeism, bill sponsorship activity, and floor power) and … Continue reading

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Which legislators run the most bills?

Far and away, the most active sponsor of bills in the Utah legislature is Senator Curt Bramble. A couple weeks ago, I posted information about which legislators skip the most votes. Voting is an important part of a legislator’s job, … Continue reading

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