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Tag Archives: floor power
Profiles of Utah legislators
The 2012 legislative session is coming. Here’s a couple of things to help you get ready. First, I’ve taken data that I’ve written about in the past (such as ideology scores, legislator absenteeism, bill sponsorship activity, and floor power) and … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged absenteeism, floor power, ideology, legislature, roll call votes, sponsorship
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Profiles of Utah legislators
Why do legislators skip votes?
Legislative leaders skip way more votes than non-leaders. Let’s continue this study of absenteeism in the Utah legislature. Earlier, I showed that Utah legislators skip lots of votes. Then, I showed that legislators miss some types of votes more than … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged absenteeism, floor power, leadership, legislature
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Why do legislators skip votes?
Who has the decisive vote in the Utah legislature?
In 2011 the legislators with the most floor power were Sen. Stuart Adams and Rep. Don Ipson. If we look at floor votes in the Utah House and Senate, who are the most powerful legislators? Hint: It’s not the Speaker … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged backdoor power, floor power, ideology, leadership, legislature, measurement, median voter theorem, rankings, roll call votes, senate president, speaker of the house
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Who has the decisive vote in the Utah legislature?