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Tag Archives: mormons
Utahns like Herbert and non-discrimination; they don’t like Senators and clocks
Utahns overwhelmingly support “a statewide law to protect Utahns against employment and housing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation,” with 72% in favor Newly released polling data shows that Utahns approval strongly of Gary Herbert’s performance as governor (74% … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged Count My Vote, gary herbert, greg hughes, legislature, mike lee, mormons, non-discrimination, orrin hatch, polls, sean reyes, utah voter poll
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Pretty much nobody likes the Zion Curtain
Democrats (81%), Republicans (51%), Mormons (51%), other religious adherents (87%), and the non-religious (99%) all agree that restaurants should be allowed to remove these barriers. Utah law requires restaurants to prepare alcoholic drinks out of sight of customers, either in a … Continue reading
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Tagged alcohol, democrat, legislature, mormons, polls, religion, republican, utah voter poll, zion curtain
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Pretty much nobody likes the Zion Curtain
Who Do Mormons Say Represents Their Faith Positively?
When you consider that Mormons overwhelmingly identify as Republicans, it is unsurprising that Mitt Romney is viewed by a large majority of Mormons as positively representing their faith. In a previous post, we reported findings from the June Key Research … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged campaigns, democrat, harry reid, Key Research, mitt romney, mormons, partisanship, presidential election, public opinion, religion, republican
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Who Do Mormons Say Represents Their Faith Positively?
Public Opinion on Gay Marriage in Utah
Opposition to gay marriage has dropped to 29%. Meanwhile, 43% of Utah voters support civil unions, and 28% support gay marriage. This analysis was performed by Matthew Frei, a student research fellow at BYU’s Center for the Study of Elections … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged democrat, mormons, partisanship, republican, same-sex marriage, utah colleges exit poll, utah voter poll
What do Mormons think about Governor Romney’s candidacy?
67.5% said they did not trust the media to cover the Church fairly, and after the diatribes of the Lawrence O’Donnells of the world, who can blame them? The 2012 presidential candidacy of Governor Romney has shined a spotlight on … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged campaigns, media, mitt romney, mormons, polls, public opinion
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What do Mormons think about Governor Romney’s candidacy?
The 2010 exit poll suggests that 49.6%-52.0% of Utah Mormons are female. Meanwhile, the 2010 U.S. Census shows that 50.3% of voting-age Utahns are female. After fruitful discussion with one of the authors of the report discussed here, I have … Continue reading →