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Tag Archives: mitt romney
What do Mormons think about Governor Romney’s candidacy?
67.5% said they did not trust the media to cover the Church fairly, and after the diatribes of the Lawrence O’Donnells of the world, who can blame them? The 2012 presidential candidacy of Governor Romney has shined a spotlight on … Continue reading
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Tagged campaigns, media, mitt romney, mormons, polls, public opinion
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What do Mormons think about Governor Romney’s candidacy?
Is Huntsman more electable than Romney?
Gamblers are more willing to bet their money that Huntsman can beat Obama than that Romney can. Intrade runs betting markets on just about everything. Because people are putting money on the line, the current intrade share prices can be … Continue reading
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Tagged jon huntsman, mitt romney, nominations, presidential election
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Is Huntsman more electable than Romney?
BYU vs Utah: Not Just a Sporting Rivalry
This analysis was performed by Jordan Rogers, a student research fellow at BYU’s Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy, in collaboration with CSED faculty. The writing is mostly his. Inquiries about this research should come to me (Quin … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged bias, ideology, jason chaffetz, jim matheson, jon huntsman, mike lee, mitt romney, orrin hatch, partisanship, rick perry, student research, utah voter poll
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BYU vs Utah: Not Just a Sporting Rivalry
Why Mitt Romney is not the inevitable nominee
Romney is no more “inevitable” than Howard Dean in 2004 or Hillary Clinton in 2008. Mitt Romney has polled consistently with around 20% support for months. Meanwhile, we’ve seen a variety of opponents rise rapidly than fall. First it was … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged campaigns, mitt romney, nominations, polls, presidential election, rick perry
How different are Romney and Perry ideologically?
Rick Perry is slightly to the right of Mitt Romney, but only slightly. Political scientists have worked for years to find ways of measuring politicians’ ideology. By far, the best method we presently have is known as NOMINATE (and its … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged ideology, jon huntsman, measurement, mitt romney, nominate, presidential election, rick perry
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Does Huntsman have better odds against Obama than against Romney?
Romney has better odds of winning the GOP nod, but Huntsman would have better odds against Obama. Here’s an amusing deviation from our regularly scheduled programming. Dan Hopkins, a political scientist at Georgetown, had a little fun today playing with … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged jon huntsman, mitt romney, presidential election
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Does Huntsman have better odds against Obama than against Romney?
Are voters biased against Mormons?
Quoting from James Rydberg at YouGov’s Model Politics blog (emphasis is mine): A recent YouGov survey asked 1000 respondents if they would be willing to vote for “a generally well-qualified person” nominated by their party if they learned that candidate … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged bias, mitt romney, mormons, polls
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Are voters biased against Mormons?