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Tag Archives: mike lee
Utahns like Herbert and non-discrimination; they don’t like Senators and clocks
Utahns overwhelmingly support “a statewide law to protect Utahns against employment and housing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation,” with 72% in favor Newly released polling data shows that Utahns approval strongly of Gary Herbert’s performance as governor (74% … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged Count My Vote, gary herbert, greg hughes, legislature, mike lee, mormons, non-discrimination, orrin hatch, polls, sean reyes, utah voter poll
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What do Mike Lee and Elizabeth Warren have in common?
Senator Lee has the distinction of being the most ideologically extreme senator in the 113th Congress. At first glance, it may seem as though Utah’s Tea Party Senator, Mike Lee, and Massachusetts’ liberal firebrand, Elizabeth Warren, may not have much … Continue reading
Senator Lee Rebounds
Compared to one year ago, our October 2014 UVP shows a substantial change in voters’ views about the senator. Overall, favorability toward Senator Lee has now nearly returned to its pre-shutdown levels. These are heady days for Senate Republicans. With a wave … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged campaigns, congress, democracy, democrat, gary herbert, jim matheson, mike lee, orrin hatch, utah colleges exit poll, utah voter poll
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BYU vs Utah: Not Just a Sporting Rivalry
This analysis was performed by Jordan Rogers, a student research fellow at BYU’s Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy, in collaboration with CSED faculty. The writing is mostly his. Inquiries about this research should come to me (Quin … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged bias, ideology, jason chaffetz, jim matheson, jon huntsman, mike lee, mitt romney, orrin hatch, partisanship, rick perry, student research, utah voter poll
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Why did Mike Lee send those emails?
In 2008, some political scientists from Yale found that they could boost turnout considerably (by 8.1 percentage points) if they warned folks that everybody on their street would receive a postcard after the election reporting who had voted and who … Continue reading
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Tagged campaigns, congress, mike lee, turnout
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