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Tag Archives: bias
BYU vs Utah: Not Just a Sporting Rivalry
This analysis was performed by Jordan Rogers, a student research fellow at BYU’s Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy, in collaboration with CSED faculty. The writing is mostly his. Inquiries about this research should come to me (Quin … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged bias, ideology, jason chaffetz, jim matheson, jon huntsman, mike lee, mitt romney, orrin hatch, partisanship, rick perry, student research, utah voter poll
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BYU vs Utah: Not Just a Sporting Rivalry
Will Utah’s redistricting committee be biased?
Speaker Lockhart and President Waddoups apparently did not try to stack the redistricting committee. Yesterday, legislative leaders announced which members of the Utah legislature would serve on the redistricting committee. Let’s consider which groups are well represented on this committee … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged bias, ideology, legislature, measurement, rankings, redistricting, republic, utah county
More on whether good Mormons can be good Democrats
If it’s hard to persuade Mormon Republicans to cross party lines and vote for a Democrat, that’s because it’s hard to persuade anybody to cross party lines. Sometimes, people lie to pollsters. Not always, of course. But if you ask … Continue reading
Can a good Mormon be a good Democrat?
It’s true that most Utah Mormons are Republicans, but it’s not true that most Utah Mormons think good Mormons cannot be good Democrats. On election day, BYU cooperated with other universities to field the Utah Colleges Exit Poll. On the … Continue reading
Are voters biased against Mormons?
Quoting from James Rydberg at YouGov’s Model Politics blog (emphasis is mine): A recent YouGov survey asked 1000 respondents if they would be willing to vote for “a generally well-qualified person” nominated by their party if they learned that candidate … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged bias, mitt romney, mormons, polls
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Are voters biased against Mormons?