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Tag Archives: voting
No, Utah will not have 80% turnout
Estimating Utah’s turnout by looking only at registered voters is like estimating Utah’s average wealth by looking only at those who are employed. Important note (November 20, 2012). The turnout numbers below rely on data from Michael McDonald. He has … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged election administration, greg bell, measurement, presidential election, turnout, voter registration, voting
USU Pre-Election Poll
The poll finds that Republicans in statewide elections in Utah are running strong this year; this is particularly true of Mitt Romney and Gary Herbert. This post is written by students in POLS 6010 at Utah State University, a Political … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged dan liljenquist, mitt romney, orrin hatch, polls, presidential election, voting
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Cage match: Janice Fisher and Fred Cox
Representatives Cox and Fisher disagreed 54% of the time on close votes. The new legislative district maps adopted a few months back placed two Utah legislators into the same district: Republican Fred Cox and Democrat Janice Fisher. Now that both … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged cage match, campaigns, ideology, legislature, representation, roll call votes, voting
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Cage match: Janice Fisher and Fred Cox
Volunteerism Doesn’t Translate into Higher Voter Turnout in Utah
A population that has higher rates of volunteerism and church attendance should be more likely to vote Last week I wrote a post about Utah’s declining voter turnout rates, and examined whether uncompetitive elections have played a role in the … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged turnout, utah foundation, voting
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Volunteerism Doesn’t Translate into Higher Voter Turnout in Utah
Do uncompetitive elections hurt turnout in Utah?
As more of these races became uncontested or were won by very large margins of victory, the trend in voter turnout was falling. Utah historically has had a high voter turnout rate. Throughout the first half of last century, it … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged partisanship, turnout, utah foundation, voting
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Do uncompetitive elections hurt turnout in Utah?
Who is going to win the Republican Senate Primary?
While the vote estimates vary depending on the assumptions you make, the outcome is the same across the board. Senator Hatch is very likely to win, the uncertainty is by how much. Barring a last minute “June surprise” that dramatically … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged convention, dan liljenquist, delegates, nominations, orrin hatch, polls, tea party, turnout, utah voter poll, voting
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Who is going to win the Republican Senate Primary?
Before any of the debates. Before SuperStorm Sandy. Before the last-minute barrage of campaign advertising. He predicted the result perfectly over a month ago. Over the past several months, political scientists have consistently forecasted an Obama victory–a relatively narrow one, … Continue reading →