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Tag Archives: republican
Should we invite them to the party?
Fifty-six percent say that political parties are public institutions and can be regulated by the state, while 44% say that they are private associations and cannot be regulated. The author would like to thank Professors Mike Barber and Chris Karpowitz … Continue reading
Pretty much nobody likes the Zion Curtain
Democrats (81%), Republicans (51%), Mormons (51%), other religious adherents (87%), and the non-religious (99%) all agree that restaurants should be allowed to remove these barriers. Utah law requires restaurants to prepare alcoholic drinks out of sight of customers, either in a … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged alcohol, democrat, legislature, mormons, polls, religion, republican, utah voter poll, zion curtain
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Pretty much nobody likes the Zion Curtain
Update: The 2015 Legislature will be Utah’s 2nd most Republican since the Depression
The 2015 Legislature has the second largest Republican majority in 88 years, since the 96.8% majority of 1927. Two weeks ago, preliminary results showed Democrats picking up one seat in the Utah House and holding steady in the Utah Senate. … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged democrat, legislature, partisanship, rankings, republican, voting
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Update: The 2015 Legislature will be Utah’s 2nd most Republican since the Depression
Election result: The 3rd most Republican Legislature in 80 years
The 2015 Legislature will be the third-most Republican group in 80 years. This post is based on preliminary election results. Provisional and absentee ballots remain to be counted. Update (Nov 20): Now that provisional and absentee ballots are in, three elections have … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged democrat, legislature, partisanship, republican, voting
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Election result: The 3rd most Republican Legislature in 80 years
Legislative Democrats have had more of their bills considered in recent years
Democrats were more successful at getting their bills considered in 2012 than in previous years. Republicans have held a veto-proof supermajority in the Utah Legislature for years. The 2012 elections gave them even more control, bringing us the second most … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged backdoor power, democrat, imbalance, leadership, legislature, partisanship, republican, senate president, speaker of the house
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Legislative Democrats have had more of their bills considered in recent years
Party Identification, Party Registration, and “Unaffiliated” Voters
Only 26% of unaffiliated voters also identify as independents. The remaining unaffiliated voters split evenly between Republicans (35%) and Democrats (34%). In other words, it’s probably okay to confuse registered Republicans (party registration) with self-identified Republicans (party identification), but unaffiliated … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged democrat, ideology, independent, Key Research, partisanship, republican, unaffiliated, voter registration
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How Does Jim Matheson Keep Winning?
It’s simple math. For Democrats to win in Utah, they must win over a substantial share of Republican voters. This analysis was performed by Alissa Wilkinson, a student research fellow at BYU’s Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy (like us … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged jim matheson, mia love, partisanship, republican, student research, utah colleges exit poll
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How Does Jim Matheson Keep Winning?
How did Ben McAdams win?
How did McAdams win? First, he kept his base and won big among independents. This analysis was performed by Carlos Madrid, a student in the class that organized the Utah Colleges Exit Poll. The writing is mostly his. Inquiries about … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged democrat, Latino, polls, republican, salt lake county, utah colleges exit poll
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How did Ben McAdams win?