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Tag Archives: nominations
Cage match: Casey Anderson vs Evan Vickers
Rep. Vickers and Sen. Anderson disagree relatively often for members of the same party. Sen. Casey Anderson (R-Cedar City) was appointed last year to serve out the remainder of Sen. Dennis Stowell’s term after his death from cancer. Rep. Vickers … Continue reading
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Tagged cage match, legislature, nominations, roll call votes
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Cage match: Casey Anderson vs Evan Vickers
Cage match: Patrick Painter vs Ralph Okerlund
Rep. Painter and Sen. Okerlund don’t disagree very often. Correction (April 3, 2012): A database error caused my query to omit roughly half of the votes held each year. The omitted votes were roughly random, so the general patterns aren’t … Continue reading
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Tagged cage match, legislature, nominations, roll call votes
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Cage match: Patrick Painter vs Ralph Okerlund
Cage match: Craig Frank vs John Valentine
Rep. Frank and Sen. Valentine disagree on 7-10% of the bills that pass. Correction (April 3, 2012): A database error caused my query to omit roughly half of the votes held each year. The omitted votes were roughly random, so … Continue reading
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Tagged cage match, legislature, nominations
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Cage match: Craig Frank vs John Valentine
Cage match: Herrod v Liljenquist
On bills that pass, Liljenquist and Herrod agree 97% of the time. Chris Herrod has served in the Utah House since 2007. Dan Liljenquist served in the Utah Senate from 2009 through 2011. Both want to replace Orrin Hatch in … Continue reading
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Tagged absenteeism, cage match, legislature, nominations
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Cage match: Herrod v Liljenquist
Why is Utah’s turnout falling?
In the 1980s, Utah ranked in the top 10 for voter turnout; since 2006, Utah has ranked in the bottom 5. Why? Earlier today, I wrote about Utah’s declining turnout, and about claims made yesterday in a legislative committee that … Continue reading
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Tagged nominations, representation, turnout, voter registration, voting, youth
Is Huntsman more electable than Romney?
Gamblers are more willing to bet their money that Huntsman can beat Obama than that Romney can. Intrade runs betting markets on just about everything. Because people are putting money on the line, the current intrade share prices can be … Continue reading
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Tagged jon huntsman, mitt romney, nominations, presidential election
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Is Huntsman more electable than Romney?
Why Mitt Romney is not the inevitable nominee
Romney is no more “inevitable” than Howard Dean in 2004 or Hillary Clinton in 2008. Mitt Romney has polled consistently with around 20% support for months. Meanwhile, we’ve seen a variety of opponents rise rapidly than fall. First it was … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged campaigns, mitt romney, nominations, polls, presidential election, rick perry
A new report on Utah’s nominating system
Do Utah’s election laws and practices allow “full opportunity” for people to become candidates and for “voters to express their choice?” This is a guest post by Morgan Lyon Cotti, Senior Research Analyst at the Utah Foundation. Utah Foundation released … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged delegates, election administration, nominations, representation, republic, turnout, utah foundation, voting
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A new report on Utah’s nominating system
Has Orrin Hatch been left behind by the Republican Party?
Since 2001, Hatch has been less conservative than the Senate GOP average. Sarah Binder, a political scientist and Congressional expert at George Washington University, took a look today at Sen. Orrin Hatch’s voting record. (Her post is on the Monkey … Continue reading
How might changes in Tea Party support affect a Chaffetz-Hatch-Matheson race?
The Tea Party movement in Utah is becoming more and more of a Republican phenomenon. The Tea Party movement continues to make its voice heard around the country and in Utah. Earlier this week, tea party activists protested at the … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged delegates, jason chaffetz, jim matheson, nominations, orrin hatch, partisanship, tea party, utah colleges exit poll, utah voter poll
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How might changes in Tea Party support affect a Chaffetz-Hatch-Matheson race?