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Tag Archives: legislature
Did gerrymandering produce Republican gains in the Utah Legislature?
Single member districts are always going to give the minority party fewer seats than votes, and the disparity gets larger as the minority party gets smaller. I wrote last week that the 2013 Utah Legislature will be the second-most Republican … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged counties, democrat, legislature, redistricting, representation, republican, salt lake county, single member districts, utah county
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Introducing the 2nd most Republican Utah Legislature in 80 years
Utah’s Republicans may have lost the presidency, but they can rejoice in their increased dominance of the state government. Preliminary results suggest that Republicans picked up 3 seats in the Utah House and 2 in the Utah Senate. The 2013 … Continue reading
Lots of freshmen in the Utah House?
In January 2013, there will be more freshmen in the Utah House than at any other time in the past 20 years. From a glance over the election results, it looks like there will be 20 new faces in Utah’s … Continue reading
Redistricting is not expected to change the partisan balance of Congress
They conclude that Utah did not experience a partisan gerrymander of its US House seats. In a painstaking state-by-state analysis of all 435 U.S. House seats, some sharp political scientists predict that the 2011 redistricting round will have no net … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged congress, legislature, partisanship, redistricting, representation, republic
Cage match: Janice Fisher and Fred Cox
Representatives Cox and Fisher disagreed 54% of the time on close votes. The new legislative district maps adopted a few months back placed two Utah legislators into the same district: Republican Fred Cox and Democrat Janice Fisher. Now that both … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged cage match, campaigns, ideology, legislature, representation, roll call votes, voting
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Cage match: Janice Fisher and Fred Cox
Utah legislators serve longer than they used to
Legislators today stick around longer than legislators in the past. Bob Bernick reports today that retirements and nomination upsets will bring 15 freshmen to the 75-member Utah House of Representatives. November may bring us even more freshmen. I reported last … Continue reading
Why are Liljenquist’s former colleagues split on his candidacy?
Liljenquist’s former colleagues are evenly split on his candidacy, but it’s hard to explain the split using ideology. Today, Dan Liljenquist announced that 13 of the 22 Republicans in the state senate have endorsed his challenge against Orrin Hatch. I … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged dan liljenquist, ideology, legislature, nominate, nominations, orrin hatch
The Utah legislature passes far more bills than Congress
We should expect fewer laws out of the Utah legislature than out of Congress, yet we see the opposite. As I prepped some lecture data for my Congress course today, I was surprised at something I hadn’t noticed before: Congress … Continue reading
I encourage voters to use these statistics to supplement other information, not to supplant it. I calculate a lot of statistics about the Utah legislature. Lately, I’ve noticed various statistics being used in some of the nomination battles that are … Continue reading →