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Tag Archives: leadership
Which legislators missed the most votes in 2015?
When it comes to healthy legislators, Greg Hughes set a new record this year for missing votes Utah Legislators considered 831 bills during the seven-week 2015 General Session, passing 528 of them. Debating so many bills in so little time … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged absenteeism, greg hughes, leadership, legislative life, legislature, roll call votes, speaker of the house
Who missed the most votes in the 2014 Utah Legislature?
Legislators miss a lot of votes in the Utah Legislature, and some miss more than others. As the figure below shows, there wasn’t much change in the overall absenteeism rate, with 12% of Senators and 6% of Representatives missing a … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged absenteeism, leadership, legislature, representation, roll call votes, speaker of the house
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Who missed the most votes in the 2014 Utah Legislature?
Who missed the most votes in 2013?
With so much going on in such a short session, it may be inevitable that legislators may miss lots of votes Utah’s Constitution limits the Legislature to convening for only 45 days each year. Once you take out the weekends, … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged absenteeism, leadership, legislature, representation, senate president, speaker of the house
Were Democrats able to pass their bills this year?
The numbers tell a different story: Democratic bills received less favorable treatment than last year. Before the 2013 Utah Legislative session started up, I wrote a post noting that Democrats have seen remarkable success in recent years at passing their … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged backdoor power, democrat, imbalance, leadership, legislature, partisanship, republic, senate president, speaker of the house
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Were Democrats able to pass their bills this year?
Legislative Democrats have had more of their bills considered in recent years
Democrats were more successful at getting their bills considered in 2012 than in previous years. Republicans have held a veto-proof supermajority in the Utah Legislature for years. The 2012 elections gave them even more control, bringing us the second most … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged backdoor power, democrat, imbalance, leadership, legislature, partisanship, republican, senate president, speaker of the house
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Legislative Democrats have had more of their bills considered in recent years
Recap: What have we learned about the 2012 Utah legislature?
In case the whirlwind of posts analyzing the 2012 legislative session has been overwhelming, here’s a quick recap. I’ll be slowing down from here out. Who sponsored the most bills in 2012? Quick answer: Sen. Curt Bramble, any way you … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged absenteeism, consensus, leadership, legislature, measurement, partisanship, rankings, roll call votes, vetting
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Which legislators run the most bills?
Far and away, the most active sponsor of bills in the Utah legislature is Senator Curt Bramble. A couple weeks ago, I posted information about which legislators skip the most votes. Voting is an important part of a legislator’s job, … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged absenteeism, backdoor power, leadership, legislature, measurement, senate president, speaker of the house, sponsorship
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Which legislators run the most bills?
Why do legislators skip votes?
Legislative leaders skip way more votes than non-leaders. Let’s continue this study of absenteeism in the Utah legislature. Earlier, I showed that Utah legislators skip lots of votes. Then, I showed that legislators miss some types of votes more than … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged absenteeism, floor power, leadership, legislature
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Why do legislators skip votes?
Which legislators miss the most votes?
Five legislators missed more than 30% of their votes in 2011. Yesterday, I wrote that Utah’s legislators skip a LOT of votes. On average, 7.1% of Representatives missed each vote during the 2011 session, and 14.4% of Senators missed each … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged absenteeism, leadership, legislature, representation, roll call votes, senate president
When do Utah’s legislators skip votes?
Legislators are far less likely to skip party-line votes Recently, I wrote that Utah’s legislators skip a LOT of votes. Today, let’s ask why. There are two ways to come at this. First, we can ask which votes get skipped … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged absenteeism, leadership, legislature, roll call votes
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When do Utah’s legislators skip votes?