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Tag Archives: legislative life
The 2014 Legislature: Slow out of the gate, frantic in the stretch
Clearly, something caused the Legislature to fall behind in its bill processing this year. Utah legislators introduced 786 bills and resolutions in the 2014 session—fewer than the 800 we saw in 2009, but still higher than usual. However, a procedural … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged legislative life, legislature, vetting
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The 2014 Legislature: Slow out of the gate, frantic in the stretch
How busy has the Legislature been so far?
Today the Tribune quotes Sen. John Valentine reporting that the Legislature has introduced a record high number of bills so far, but that it has passed a record low number. I thought I’d give some additional numbers for perspective. Sen. … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged legislative life, legislature
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How busy has the Legislature been so far?
Recap: Looking back at the 2013 Utah Legislature
I’ve posted tons of stats about the Utah Legislature in the past couple days. To recap, here’s a quick summary of some of what you can now find here: Do legislators work enough to justify their salary? If you take … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged absenteeism, consensus, legislative life, legislature, measurement, navel gazing, partisanship, rankings, representation, roll call votes
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How quickly were bills passed in 2013?
Something changed around 2009 or 2010 that led legislators to introduce their bills later and, as a result, process them more quickly. In 2013, the Utah Legislature passed more bills than it’s passed since I started keeping track (in 2007). … Continue reading
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Tagged legislative life, legislature, measurement, sponsorship, vetting
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How quickly were bills passed in 2013?
Do Utah Legislators work enough to justify their salary?
It’s not much of a stretch to claim that Utah Legislators earn poverty wages. Since passage of HJR006 early in 2013, Utah Legislators will earn $16,500 per year. It can be difficult to know how many hours legislators put in … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged legislative life, legislature, polls, representation, utah legislator survey
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Do Utah Legislators work enough to justify their salary?