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Tag Archives: campaigns
Why Mitt Romney is not the inevitable nominee
Romney is no more “inevitable” than Howard Dean in 2004 or Hillary Clinton in 2008. Mitt Romney has polled consistently with around 20% support for months. Meanwhile, we’ve seen a variety of opponents rise rapidly than fall. First it was … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged campaigns, mitt romney, nominations, polls, presidential election, rick perry
Can subtle wordplay boost voter turnout?
You might boost turnout by 11-14 percentage points if you urge folks to “be a voter” rather than just “to vote.” Prior to each election, do-gooders throughout the state remind people to vote. Utah’s lieutenant governor prepares voter information guides, … Continue reading
Why did Mike Lee send those emails?
In 2008, some political scientists from Yale found that they could boost turnout considerably (by 8.1 percentage points) if they warned folks that everybody on their street would receive a postcard after the election reporting who had voted and who … Continue reading
Posted in Everything
Tagged campaigns, congress, mike lee, turnout
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Why did Mike Lee send those emails?